

Though some use the evidence to suggest she's a diva, one can argue that Kath-erine wouldn't be the star she is today without her ballsy moves and vocal, opinionated point of view. She called her first hit, Knocked Up, "a little sexist," stood up for gay best friend T.R. Knight at the Golden Globes, and bowed out of the Emmy race in 2008 because "I did not feel that I was given the material this season to warrant an Emmy nomination." Without that candor, she'd be just another milquetoast starlet.
"I spent so many years just saying what I felt without thinking about the ramifications, without understanding that I have this opinion but not everyone might share that opinion and now they don't like me because of it. That was really awkward. I hate it when people say this, but I'm a people pleaser," she explains. "I was really raised with the idea that it's important to be honest and to share your experiences, both disappointing and exhilarating. But sometimes I think the American public just wants to see my life as good fortune. They don't want to know about the day-to-day. It ruins the fantasy. It's lame to say that I'm a normal girl, but I think I am."
And like any normal girl, Katherine's learning that baby can get in the way of a romantic evening with her hubby, like when Naleigh threw up on her lingerie. "If parent time interferes with sexy time, that's that," she says, laughing.

